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Sexually Transmitted Diseases--2nd Edition

Table of contents:

Sexually Transmitted Diseases— Five Key Points: 1
What Can You Do to Prevent STDs? 3
Diseases That May Be Transmitted Sexually and the Organisms Responsible 5
Trends in Reportable Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the United States 7
National Surveillance Data for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis 7
Syphilis: Cases Increase for Fourth Consecutive Year 12
Hepatitis 16
Other STDs 29
Chancroid 29
Human Papillomavirus 29
Lymphogranuloma Venereum 30
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 30
Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases 30
Trends in STDs Special Focus Profiles 33
Women and Infants 33
Adolescents and Young Adults 39
Racial and Ethnic Minorities 43
Men Who Have Sex with Men 47
Persons Entering Corrections Facilities 53
Section II Information in Depth 57
Chlamydia 59
Genital HPV 65
Genital Herpes 73
Gonorrhea 81
Pelvic inflammatory disease 91
Hepatitis 97
Syphilis 105
Trichomoniasis 123
Vaginal Infections and Vaginitis 126
Bacterial Vaginosis 126
Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) 129
HIV Infection and AIDS 133
How HIV Causes AIDS 154
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 175
Frequently Asked Questions on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) 180
The Link between HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infections 211
Coinfection with HIV and Hepatitis C Virus 215
The Deadly Intersection between TB and HIV 223
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection 225
Birth Control Methods and Protection against STDs 233
Male Latex Condoms and   Sexually Transmitted Diseases 248
Important Parasites 255
Pubic Lice Infestation 255
Head Lice Infestation Pediculosis 258
Treating Head Lice Infestation 262
Scabies (SKAY-bees) 269
Statistics and STDs 277
  • STD 2nd Edition book 290 pp STD Book and Instructor's resource CD

    This book gives information primarily from official government medical sources on the most common STDs extant in the United States, including description of symptoms, more than 70 figures and photographs, what to do to reduce risk of exposure, and what to do if you think you might have been exposed.
    If you are concerned, then do something.  Inactivity and ignoring information will not make it better.
    Buy this book and share it with your friends—illnesses like STDs will only thrive in darkness and ignorance.

    Book-STD 2nd Edition Sexually Transmitted Diseases—Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention-2nd Edition – Assembled and Edited by R.J.Banis, PhD, (2006)  Teacher friendly —free to copy for education. Illustrated with more than 70 photographs and illustrations, ISBN 1-888725-58-3, 8¼X5¼,  290 pp, $18.95 This book can also be ordered by mail. for $18.95, plus $5.00 for shipping.
    Missouri residents add $0.98 for sales tax.

    CD-Instructor's resources  Teacher's Resource CD: Sexually Transmitted Diseases—Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention-2nd Edition – Assembled and Edited by R.J.Banis, PhD, (2007)  Instructor Resource CD to be used with the book, Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Practical Guide: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, ISBN 1888725583, Has extensive prepackaged handouts, lessons and powerpoint slide shows on STD prevalence, surveillance; HIV/AIDS updates through June 2006; STD symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention with numerous color photographs of characteristic lesions., ISBN13:  978-1596300255, CD ROM, $24.95

    Book and CD package price Combination Book and Instructor's Resource CD Sexually Transmitted Diseases ISBN13: 978-159630264, Has both the book and the CD for a special package price.  $39.95

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    last modified March 5, 2008